Terms & Conditions

All material is made available free of charge for non-commercial use only. The images are supplied under license from Ancestry and with permission from The Postal Museum.

Commercial exploitation of original page images from The Royal Mail Archive and other images is prohibited without permission from The Postal Museum.

Commercial exploitation of the transcribed text and the design and content of the webpages, including use by television programme makers and examination boards, is prohibited without licence from The Postal Museum.

Non-Commercial Use

Unless otherwise stated, the transcribed texts, XML files, data obtained using the Addressing Health API and any other textual data published by the project, are made available for re-use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial4.0 International (CC-BY-NC 4.0) license.


You must give appropriate credit; please refer to the Citation Guide below for our recommended practice. If you are re-sharing data you should include a link to the CC licence (and/or to this page) to make the conditions of re-use clear to others.


Images of the pension records are reproduced under license from Ancestry and with the permission of The Postal Museum.

Copyright in the images of the transcriptions, metadata, and design and content of webpages is owned by King’s College London, the University of Derby and University College London.

Citation Guide

Users who wish to cite material from the website in publications should, as with all internet publications, cite the URL (https://addressinghealth.org.uk) and the date on which the website was consulted.

The Project

To cite the project and web site as a whole please use the following format:

  • David Green, Douglas Brown, Kathleen McIlvenna, Laura Newman, Nicola Shelton and Harry Smith, Addressing Health (https://addressinghealth.org.uk), 15 November 2021)

Subsequent citations might be shortened to:

  • Addressing Health.

The Data

To cite the data please use the following format:

  • Harry Smith, Douglas Brown, David Green, Ben Jackson, Kathleen McIlvenna, Holly Marley, Laura Newman, Nicola Shelton, and Natasha Preger, Addressing Health Pensions Data Mapper (2021), (https://addressinghealth.org.uk).

This tool and the data provided were funded by the Wellcome under grants 217755/Z/19/Z ‘Addressing Health: Morbidity, Mortality and Occupational Health in the Victorian and Edwardian Post Office’ and 217755/Z/19/A ‘Addressing Health: Morbidity, Mortality and Occupational Health in the Victorian and Edwardian Post Office, Research Enrichment, Public Engagement’. Thanks are due to the staff at the Postal Museum Discovery Room, our digitisation and transcription volunteers and Ancestry for help in digitising some of the sources used in producing these data.

For questions relating to our terms and conditions please email addressinghealth@gmail.com